Monday, 10 September 2012

research and planning photoshop CD tutorial

This is my CD cover, which i have made on the Photoshop app. the way in which i have done this is by selecting different images onto a background and using different tools to get the finished look, which i have achieved. The first thing that i did was select the background which i then left the tab open and went onto the image of the CD and then i went onto the tool that is called the "elliptical marquee tool" i selected this tool and then i held down shift and dragged the mouse carefully around the shape of the CD which allowed me to cut out the background of the CD, witch then left me with the template of the CD. I then dragged the image of the CD to the background and placed it where i wanted it, by clicking on another tool which was the "move tool" this tool helped me to move the CD image to were i wanted it also it allowed me to rotate the image to any angle that suited me. The i went onto clicking on the image of the CD and going to the top of the screen which then i had clicked onto the image tab, and went onto clicking "adjustments" witch then let me click onto "colour balance" then i had changed the contrast and the colors of the CD through changing the filter to the middle, end or anywhere to suit the color that i wanted. throughout the whole process of doing this you must click onto the "move tool" which will let you apply this each time you do something new. the next thing that i had done was, gone onto the image of the horn which i had to select the "magic tool" witch allowed me to cut out the horn away from the background , the next thing i did was click on "select tab" at the top of the screen and then i clicked onto simiular, which then selected all the white parts, which then cut out my horn away from the background. the next thing that i had done was click onto the select tab again bu this time i clicked on inverse, then my horn was fully cut out and then i was able to drag it onto my background, and then i selected the move tool again and moved and rotated my horn image to suit how i liked it looking on the image, the next thing that i had done was clicked onto the side bar which had my layers, and this allowed me to click on the one which said notes and then i double clicked it which allowed it to pop up onto the background and i could do the same process as all the other images, ect changing the colors and rotating the image, the next thing that i had done was gone onto the left side and clicked onto the T which then allowed me to insert text and i inserted my name and then changed the colour by clicking on the colour changer, then I have gone onto changing the text through editing it into putting a shadow under the text, the way I have done this is by clicking on the drop shadow, and all i di was change the size of the drop shadow to what suited me.

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