Thursday 21 March 2013

Research and Planning Evaluation Question 7

The layout of my music magazine, is much better than the college magazine. This is because on the music magazine I have used guide lines, however on the college magazine I didn't use any. The text is scattered around the image on the college magazine, and on my music magazine I have placed them on the left side to make it more easy to read.

The text on the college magazine does not look very appealing as the cover lines are everywhere and on the music one its more positioned.The music magazine is more brighter in terms of the colours that I have used and it suits the pop genre. The clothes on my model for the college magazine don't look like I put thought into it, as much as I did for the music magazine.

The photograph on the music magazine is much more, clear and professional as it was taken using a SLR camera and also was taken outside with natural lighting, however the one in the college magazine, was taken inside, and I used a digital camera to take this. The music magazine image, is a medium shot, and It enables the audience to see more of the model, however the college magazine, I have used a mid shot. In terms of the Editing, I have used photo shop for both, but the college one was done in a rush and really didn't concentrate on editing it properly, as I have put a lot of effort into editing the music magazine one. Overall my music magazine looks so much better than my college one, because I have used a better camera and I have spent a longer period of time on it, adjusting to better software and understanding all the techniques etc.

The layout of the college
magazine is simple and easy to understand but its got a lot of space around, however on the music magazine I have used up a lot of the space, and the layout looks better, and it it suits a pop genre magazine. The colours that have been used on the music magazine convey the idea of pop, and put together the magazine, however on the college magazine the colours are very light, the font is so light that its almost sheer and hard to read, and the background is empty and leaves the page with no structure. I have used boxes to highlight each section, and used two colours so it pops out more, however on the college one I didn't have the understanding to make the layout more presentable.

The text on the music magazine looks more complete than the college one, because I have used more than one colour, which makes it stand out rather than one colour which makes it look boring, On the college magazine it says 'content' which it shouldn't say, as instead of that I have wrote ' in this week' on the music magazine because it looks more relaxed, and gets the target audience.

I have used a selection of photographs on my music magazine, which I had taken myself with an SLR camera which is a very good camera, however on the college magazine contents page, I didn't take any photographs, they are all of the internet, which is another reason why my music magazine is better, because it is more real and original.

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