Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Research and Planning Evaluation Question 2

The image of Alexandra Burke, on the top of the pops magazine, is the image that I have took inspiration from, when creating my Models pose. The similarities of both the images are, the lighting seems to be rather bright this reflects on the mood of the model and tells the audience that the model is confident and the hands on the hips, shows that they are strong and they are standing up for themselves, it comes across and shows that the model is independent. The angle that the image is took from is also very similar to the one with Alexandra, the shot type that both have used are a medium shot, that shows there facial expression and there body language and also shows how they also have power over themselves, the pose itself has a very strong character, and speaks aloud. I have kept my models outfit, through the same colour as Alexandra, but I have put on two piece instead of a dress, just to show that femininity can be reversed through looks, and also this shows my audience that, you don't have to change to show, your strength and the real you, the colour of the models outfit is like cream/light pinkish , this represents pure, still standing, feminine, innocent and calm, these representations, also reflect on the story of bullying, and how they both got through it. The style of the models hair are both similar colours, dark colored hair, and I have changed my models hair and added some waves, just to change it from Alexandra's hair, because my model is not wearing a feminine dress, I decided to make her hair something that shows the feminine side of her, the waves in her hair , represent calm and elegance, The jeans that my model is wearing have spikes on the side, which again reflect the fact that she isn't afraid of what people say anymore, and it resembles strength and not afraid to stand out and be different. The posture of Alexandra, her smile is more friendly, and it looks as though she is open, and will tell all in her story, however my model looks friendly but, it almost looks as though she is keeping herself closed, and doesn't want to tell her story, but she give tips, so shes there to help the audience, but is still hurt and it show that she is not ready to tell everyone everything, she just wants to help by giving tips that have helped her so far. Overall both the models, don't look intimidating, they look like they would like to help, compared to RnB the models on the magazines there, would not smile and be more serious with there face expressions, however we have my model being serious but she is being positive and not negative.

Overall to conclude, I have represented young people as free and strong through the image, as they are entitled to do what they like, and learn from there mistakes. Also I have represented girls just as strong as boys, how they act and show themselves in front of people  are not important, as the person you are on the inside. This is all that matters, this keeps them strong and standing.

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