Tuesday 5 March 2013

Research and Planning Evaluation Question 1

Here is the magazine that I took inspiration from for my magazine. The part that I have took ideas from is the way in which the model is positioned, I think this was a strong look for a magazine cover, especially a pop magazine. The text in the middle of the cover, which says the models name, is what I have took an idea from and placed the name there, also the quotation marks, and the quote that the model has said, this is what I have copied.
Development- the part of my magazine that has started to look different is the masthead, the masthead on the top of the pops one is something that doesn't stand out when you look at it, where as on my magazine I have used two colours to symbolize the masthead, so that it stands out from all the other magazines around it, the vibrant colours used will emphasise my target audience towards the magazine. 
My magazine looks completely different, with the colours that I have used. The top of the pops magazine has used three colours and white and black for the texts also, where I have stuck to only two colours, But added black for my text on the quotations, and white for things to stand out

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