Thursday 8 November 2012

research and planning - model shots

 Here is my first model shot, I am not sure if I will be suing this model on my cover, just because I feel that I should have her on my contents page.
 I like the poses that this model comes with, I would like to have her on my contents page, because its something fun and attractive to my readers.
 This model doesn't look age appropriate for my magazine cover, however i could possibly use her for my contents page.
This model looks appropriate for my magazine cover, but I'm not sure yet, as I have another model in mind. If I don't use her on my cover I will defiantly use her in my contents page or double page spread.

In this image the model I'm thinking to use is the one on the right hand side. I think the age and the looks of this model os perfect for my pop magazine.

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