Saturday, 29 December 2012

Research and Planning - double page spread

I’m the kid that sat at the back of the class, the girl people laughed at during my school days!

Q- You had a hard time during school then?
A       A: Yeah, it was a really difficult time for me, I mean a lot of other kids all around the world go through this everyday of their loves to.
Q       Q:so what exactly happened?
A      A: Well I wasn't exactly a size zero, let’s say that. I would get called FAT and UGLY. Nobody wanted to be my friend. I was believing the words that came out of their mouths and on top of all that my parents split up, it was a really stressful
 time for me and my family. So I went on staying with my dad for the week and my mum on the weekends. I couldn't really express myself to anyone, school was getting really bad and the people there just wouldn't stop, I was to quiet to say anything
back I let it eat me, I was so self-conscious that I just couldn't even eat anymore.
 Q: What did your parents think of this?
 A: well they didn't even realize because they were so into work etc. and my mum was getting a bigger place sorted cause her bedsit was not big enough for her. So I was over at my mums and I was trying her make up on and she walked in and she was like “ Kendall what is that tack on your face” and I just remember bursting into tears and that’s the night I told her everything. She was like “your beautiful without make up” “you don’t need it”.  
Q: so what happened next?
A: well I started becoming more positive about myself I ignored the kids at school and  became more confident, I got involved in the school clubs and socialized more with the kids, I made great friends, in fact im still in contact with them still. Being positive really helped me get back on my feet.
Q: so the kids who bullied you, are they nice to you now that your famous?
A: haha, yeah always happens, just shows positive minds get you a long way.
Q: so what made you decide you wanted to become  a pop singer?
A: I started the after school singing lessons, it was really great it made me feel good about myself and my heart just took away listening to others preform and myself. I could feel it was something I was born to do.
 Q: do you have anything to say out there to your fans?
A: I wouldn't call them fans, there just great supporters and I love them. All I would like to say is never let anything bring you down, stay positive and if things ever get out of hand, tell somebody it makes things so much easier than keeping them in.


This is my Double page story. I am Talking about my Model who has now just become a pop singer, but in past had been bullied at school and and is taking about it and being open to help her fans all around the world.

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