Tuesday 23 October 2012

Research and Planning Double Page Analysis

This is a double page spread which I can tell is from a pop magazine. The reason I can tell is because the models which are from a boy band ,they are well dressed and they are being portrayed in a way which makes them look really laid back, and they have a serious face on which also implies that this article that is written on them is something serious, rather than something that would make the teenage girls scream about.The layout of this double page spread, is very simple and effective, the way in which it is effective is through the colours that have been used to make this page up, the editor has used light and dark colours which imply that this is something serious.Also this double page has the three colour rule, which is white, 2 shades of blue and grey for the background, these colours also imply masculinity, they have also used the clothes on the models at a similar colour to contrast with the page, which is really clever because it makes the double page spread more interesting and complete. The text is also placed next to each of the artists that they are talking about which makes it clear to understand who they are talking to and also the images are next to the person who they are interviewing, normally on a double page spread, they would interview one person but they have fitted onto this one the interview of 2 artist and put them together.

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