Thursday 31 January 2013

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Reserch and Planning Production Of Magazine

here is my complete cover and contents page, I have changed the colour and changed everything. Because I Felt the other ones didn't scream pop genre out, but this one does more. I have used much more vibrant colours, I have stuck to, 2 main colours a greenish blue and a pink, as these are colours that mostly apply to my pop genre.  

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Research and Planning Risk Assessment

here is my risk assessment.

Reserach and Planning Magazine Production

Today I have Included some more colorful boxes, the reason I have added these so there is more colour onto my contents page. It also makes the advertisements I have stand out to my audience.

Research and Planning Recce Assessment

 I have filled this In with the information about where I have taken my pictures with my model, for my magazine. I have taken these images at my house. Therefore I have not put my real address.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Research and Planning Production of Magazine Cover

This is what I have done this lesson I have changed the main cover line story and inserted a price. which I think I might change next time I work on this.

Research and Planning Production Of Contents Page

Here is what I have done today. I have changed the colour of the font under the blue to a vibrant purple, as it now matches my main cover line story on my cover.